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Very dear brothers and sisters,

The Chapter lived an unforgettable moment with the papal audience of Thursday, 13 May. You must have read the text of the Supreme Pontiff published at the Osservatore Romano and in the Chapter’s web site (now translated to English and Spanish). Fr. Silvio Sassi invited the Chapter Delegates to take up that text and make of it an object of meditation, as it is a precious and enlightening testament.

Meanwhile, with the usual methodology that distributed our commitment into personal work, group and assembly discussions, we arrived at the drafting of our plan of action for the six-year period 2004-2010. The six language groups during the first drafting gave way to a reorganization into four groups, one in every area: Spirituality and Life in Community, Vocation Promotion and Formation, Apostolate and Poverty-Service of Authority-Administration. The drafting, however, had ended up building a "Pauline cart" with five wheels. Hence, in the final Document a fifth area came up: "Pauline Family."

At this point, the constitution of the Drafting Commission proved very precious. Made up by Fr. Guido Gandolfo and Fr. Giuliano Saredi, the commission had to sew together the proposals of the study groups into one text, without letting anything get lost. Meanwhile, Fr. Juan Antonio Carrera arrived from São Paulo, thus bringing the number of the Chapter Delegates to sixty-six,

Furthermore, we examined the 37 motions that reached the Chapter from the Provincial Chapters and Regional Assemblies, from individual members and from Chapter Delegates. After the motivations of him who proposed it and the opinion of the established ad hoc commission were given, we voted upon them one by one.

In the morning of 19 May, the new General Council met for the first time, while the Circumscription Superiors took the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas.

Late in the morning, the new General Council met, in an open dialogue, with all the Chapter Delegates. After this, the President declared the 8th General Chapter of the Society of St. Paul as concluded.

On Wednesday, 19 May, we will celebrate, at 4:00 p.m., a thanksgiving Mass with the whole Pauline Family at the crypt of the Regina Apostolorum Sanctuary in Rome, in order to express our gratitude for the gift of this event, celebrated in an atmosphere of great serenity, industriousness and a trustful openness to the future.

May hope, founded in faith in God and in the enthusiasm for our charism, enlighten our journey ahead so we may become worthy sons of St. Paul and of Blessed Alberione.

We are attaching with this last communiqué two Chapter Declarations that characterize well the Chapter reflection and the strongest concerns of the Assembly.

Best wishes.


The Secretary of Information
Bro. Lorenzo Vezzani

Ariccia (Rome), 19 May 2004, at 3:00 p.m.



©  Casa Generalizia ssp – Via della Fanella 39 – 00148 Roma - Italy
Updated 19/05/04 -   [email protected]