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Called to evangelize contemporary society with the universal heart of St Paul, we want to bring the message of salvation to the whole of humanity, without excluding any person, people or social category.

The Word of God shall be the Foundation and principal content of the message that we shall offer to society.

In order to incarnate such a message into history, we shall take into consideration the social situation of our recipients.

And, inasmuch as in the present world the signs of a very strong crisis of humanity prevail, our preferential apostolic option shall be that of contributing to the humanization of society as a primary condition for evangelizing it.

The aforementioned crisis of humanity is manifested in grave negative phenomena such as social injustice, war, terrorism, torture, the widened gap between the rich and the poor, the degradation of human dignity, reciprocal indifference among persons, the irresponsible damage to nature, the loss of the meaning of life, social disintegration, new forms of slavery and of dependence, and widespread depression.

In order to contrast such phenomena, as well as others that are equally negative, we assume as a preferential option the defense and promotion of human dignity in all its dimensions, of social justice, of universal brotherhood, of integral progress of every people and person, of peace and of authentic communication.

By means of our specific apostolate and our witnessing, we shall promote the culture of life; we shall courageously proclaim the truth and denounce whatever opposes it; we shall speak in the name of those who do not have any voice; we shall defend the genuine values of civilization and we shall sow the seeds of hope everywhere.


The Chapter Assembly of the SSP
Ariccia, May 2004



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Updated 19/05/04 -   [email protected]