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Very dear brothers and sisters,

Under the guidance of the Central Commission, for a number of days now we have been engaged in planning for the next six-year period. Our time is equally divided into personal reflection, study by groups, and assembly meetings, in view of drafting a general objective and the operational guidelines that take well into consideration the suggestions contained in the replies to the pre-Chapter questionnaire, in the Instrumentum laboris and in the conferences that opened the illuminative stage. In the afternoon of 5 May, we have defined and approved the general objective:

"To intensify, as individuals and as communities, the experience of Christ as lived by the Apostle Paul, and interpreted and handed on to us by Blessed James Alberione, so as to announce to all peoples the message of Salvation through languages more appropriate to the present culture of communication."

From this objective shall be derived the specific objectives, the priorities and the operational guidelines that shall lead the whole Congregation, and which are already in an advanced stage of elaboration in the study groups.

Today, in the evening, we are to have as a welcomed guest the bishop of Albano, His Ex. Msgr. Agostino Vallini, who shall celebrate the Eucharist and stay for dinner with the Chapter delegates. We are to celebrate with him the first centenary of the birth of Ven. Maggiorino Vigolungo, the ideal model of every Pauline aspirant.

Tomorrow afternoon, we shall start the stage of discernment in view of the election stage, under the guidance of the Claretian Fr. José Cristo Rey García Paredes. The casting of votes is foreseen to begin on Sunday, 9 May, in the morning. News will be given on the elections at the internet site of the Chapter in the section "Nuovo Governo" (New Government). After having completed the election of the General Council, a summary press information shall be released. On 13 May, we shall be received in audience by the Holy Father.

During the Eucharistic Celebration of Tuesday, 4 May, first Tuesday of the month, we wanted to remember one by one the 90 Paulines who passed away since the end of the last General Chapter. We begin each of our assembly meetings with a reading, a reflection and a prayer prepared by Fr. George Kaitholil ssp, of the center of spirituality of Mumbai (India), based on the passages most quoted by Don Alberione and consistent with our theme.

As we approach the most delicate stage of the Chapter, we wish, once more, to express to you our gratitude for your generosity in prayer to the Spirit who unites and vivifies us.


The Secretary of Information
Bro. Lorenzo Vezzani

Ariccia (Rome), 6 May 2004



©  Casa Generalizia ssp – Via della Fanella 39 – 00148 Roma - Italy
Updated 07/05/04 -   [email protected]