Dim, Mai

Bl James Alberione, our Founder, tells us to use the fastest and the latest means of social communications. Therefore, we make the following suggestions:
* The General Government through CTIA is to coordinate guidelines for the digital media. Each circumscription needs to set up the organization to determine the contents, marketing and targeted audience for the digital media. This needs to be evaluated on a regular basis.
* Some members are to be trained in digital media and share a general knowledge of this technology with all the members of the circumscription.
* This apostolate requires a constant re-tooling and cordial relationships among members by following a community time-table of prayer, ministry, apostolate and recreation.
* The vows are to be lived with the Pauline emphasis. They are not to tie us down but free us for the apostolate. Each person’s gifts and talents are to be identified and enabled to find their expression in the Pauline apostolate.
* We are to project our Pauline identity through our apostolate, through our lives and with the local church in order for it to be better understood.

D. Manalo Ramon, D. William James F., D. Pannakathil Siji Jose,
Fr. Aruldass A. Maria, D. Kuttikatt Vincent, D. Chakkazhath Saji Antony, Fr. Figuerres Dennis,
D. Richard Amaladas, D. Roehrig Richard Joseph Matthew, Fr. Takahito Tokuda

Agenda Paolina

5 mai 2024

VI di Pasqua (bianco)
At 10,25-26.34-35.44-48; Sal 97; 1Gv 4,7-10; Gv 15,9-17

5 mai 2024

* FSP: 1959 a Kaohsiung (Taiwan) • PD: 1953 a Cinisello Balsamo (Italia) • CP: 2015 Sergio Bernardini e Domenica Bedonni vengono proclamati Venerabili.

5 mai 2024SSP: Nov. Giuseppe Gambino (1930) - Fr. Vincenzo Tommasini (1994) - Don Aloysius Kokkatt (2022) • FSP: Sr. Paulina Campos (1964) - Sr. Imelda Bianchi (1987) - Sr. M. Paola Bergadano (2008) - Sr. Gisella Codias (2011) - Sr. Anna Liscia (2019) • PD: Sr. M. Pasqualina Giaccardi (1998) - Sr. M. Aurora Scellato (2014) • IGS: D. Giulio Polverani (2001) - D. Lorenzo Rossato (2004) - D. Angelo Maria Cuozzo (2012) • IMSA: Antonietta Ponzo (2015) • ISF: Luigia Pendinelli (2008) - Helen Ann Zuzik (2014).