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Superior Provinciale
Nomina: 8 maggio 2023
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USA Provincial ChapterThe SSP-US Province gathered in the morning of November 18 for a two day Special Provincial Chapter held at its Provincial House at Staten Island, New York. The purpose of the gathering was to deliberate on and approve the Provincial Report and elect two delegates for the 10th SSP General Chapter to be held in Rome from January 25 to February 15, 2015.


Participants from the communities and members of the provincial government constituted the assembly. Fr. Matthew Roehrig, Provincial Superior and Chapter President began the meeting with a prayer followed by the appointment of Fr. Edmund Lane and Br. Peter Lyne as actuaries. Fr. Michael Goonan was elected as the executive secretary and moderator of the chapter.  Fr. Sebastian Lee and Fr. Tony Bautista were the scrutineers.

Once the Iter was approved, reports were presented by various communities and apostolic departments, as well as reports on vocations and formation,  the Pauline Institutes of Consecrated Secular Life and the report of the Provincial Bursar. After each report,  time was given for questions and points of clarification. After all the reports have been given, Fr. Matthew Roehrig  called for the election of the province delegates to the General Chapter. Fr. Arcangel Cardenas and Br. Dominic Calabro were elected with Fr. Michael Goonan and Br. Peter Lyne  elected as substitutes.   

Every year the US Province faces many challenges and difficulties yet it remains strong in its conviction that all its apostolic endeavors will yield a favorable result. Taking to heart the theme of the Special Chapter, “I do all for the Gospel” ( 1Cor 9:23), the US-Province realizes more and more the need to build an apostolic undertaking that is multicultural and centered on the Word of God because of the continuous influx of migrants from Asia, Europe and South America to United States.

The chapter began the second day by approving the minutes of the first day's meeting, and then reviewed the  Province Report for the General Chapter. Various amendments were made. At the conclusion of the process the report was approved by a unanimous vote and the Chapter was formally closed. The chapter participants then gathered for a  pleasant meal at a nearby restaurant.


  1. Rev. Matthew Roehrig            -           Provincial Superior
  2. Br. Peter Lyne                       -           Vicar Provincial
  3. Rev. Tony Bautista                -           Provincial Counselor/Canfield Superior
  4. Rev. Arcangel Cardenas          -           Provincial Counselor
  5. Br. Augustine Condon            -           Provincial Counselor/Provincial Secretary
  6. Rev. Sebastian Lee                 -           Provincial Bursar
  7. Rev. Michael Goonan             -           General Director of Apostolate
  8. Br. Joshua Seidle                   -           Vocation Director
  9. Rev. Thomas Fogarty              -           Delegate of the Institute of the Holy Family
  10. Rev. Edmund Lane                 -           Staten Island Community
  11. Br. Aloysius Milella                 -           Staten Island Community
  12. Br. Dismas Beique                  -           Canfield Community



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