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India - Perpetual ProfessionOctober 22, 2014 will remain as a memorable day in the life of Br Jeffrey Khongsni and the community of Pune. While the nation is celebrating the festival of Diwali, the festival of lights, the members of the community gathered in prayer to witness the perpetual profession of Jeffrey at 10.30 am in the community chapel. During the Solemn Eucharistic Celebration presided over by Fr Michael Raj, the Provincial Superior, Jeffrey pronounced his vows in the presence of the members of the Pauline Family and his relatives and friends. 

After accepting his vows, Fr Provincial confirmed his permanent membership in the Society of St Paul and welcomed Jeffrey to share all things in common with other members for the rest of his life. Fr Johnson Vattakunnel, the homilist for the occasion, reminded the candidate about the implications of this commitment and challenged him to face all adversities and temptations by staying close to the Divine Master like the branches to the vine. A short felicitation with a video presentation on the formation journey of Br Jeffreywas organized before the fellowship meal. The fact that Br Jeffrey Khongsniis the first Pauline from the North-East region of India to make his perpetual commitment in the Society of St Paul added more light to the celebration of Diwali and the anniversary of the beatification of Bl Timothy Giaccardo. Congratulations and best wishes dear Jeffrey!


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