Fri, Dec

The members live the spirituality of the Pauline Family solidly grounded on the Eucharist and the Word of God and cultivate a particular devotion to the person of Jesus Master Way, Truth and Life, to Mary Queen of Apostles and to Saint Paul the Apostle.

They dedicate themselves in the work of evangelization as secular clergy (for Jesus Priest) or as lay persons. The lay members, living their consecration incognito in the world, act like "salt", "light" and "leaven" in their home, parish, place of work and other places they find themselves in. They also participate, according to their possibilities, in the other apostolic activities of the other Institutions of the Pauline Family.

They are encouraged to be part of the evangelizing activities of the Society of St. Paul and to be leaven in the culture of communication of today.



Agenda Paolina

December 06, 2024

Memoria di S. Nicola, vescovo (bianco)
Is 29,17-24; Sal 26; Mt 9,27-31

December 06, 2024

* Nessun evento particolare.

December 06, 2024SSP: D. Tito Armani (1980) • FSP: Sr. Anna Merla (1946) - Sr. Eugenia M. Montersino (2020) - Sr. Maria De Lourdes Berra Merlo (2021) • PD: Sr. M. Massimiliana Concas (1998) - Sr. M. Stefana Servetti (2003) - Sr. M. Alberta Bordignon (2017) • IMSA: Nicoletta Di Carlo (2009) • ISF: Arnaldo Casanueva (2018) - María de los Ángeles Escalera (2022).


December 06, 2024

Gli scrittori sacri non contano su di sé, ma su Dio; di qui lo spirito di preghiera. Inoltre mirano al Signore, cioè alla divina gloria ed alla pace degli uomini; di qui rettitudine di intenzione. Due elementi questi, essenziali di efficacia: perché l’apostolo santifichi se stesso e perché salvi gli uomini (LS 291).

December 06, 2024

Los escritores sagrados no se apoyan en sí mismos, sino en Dios, y por eso tienen un espíritu de oración tan singular. Además, buscan al Señor, es decir, la gloria divina y la paz de los hombres, de donde procede su rectitud de intención. Estos dos elementos son esenciales para ser eficaces, para que el apóstol se santifique y salve a los hombres (LS 291).

December 06, 2024

The sacred writers do not count on themselves, but on God; hence the spirit of prayer. Furthermore, they aim at the Lord, that is, at the divine glory and at the peace of men; hence rectitude of intention. These two elements are essential for effectiveness: for the apostle to sanctify himself and for him to save men (LS 291).