Sat, Apr

The members live the spirituality of the Pauline Family solidly grounded on the Eucharist and the Word of God and cultivate a particular devotion to the person of Jesus Master Way, Truth and Life, to Mary Queen of Apostles and to Saint Paul the Apostle.

They dedicate themselves in the work of evangelization as secular clergy (for Jesus Priest) or as lay persons. The lay members, living their consecration incognito in the world, act like "salt", "light" and "leaven" in their home, parish, place of work and other places they find themselves in. They also participate, according to their possibilities, in the other apostolic activities of the other Institutions of the Pauline Family.

They are encouraged to be part of the evangelizing activities of the Society of St. Paul and to be leaven in the culture of communication of today.



Agenda Paolina

April 27, 2024

Feria (bianco)
At 13,44-52; Sal 97; Gv 14,7-14

April 27, 2024

* 2003 D. Giacomo Alberione, fondatore della Famiglia Paolina, è proclamato Beato • FSP: 2017 a Tamatave (Madagascar).

April 27, 2024SSP: D. Pancrazio Demarie (1954) - Fr. Salvatore Fabio (1954) • FSP: Sr. Angela Cavalli (2009) - Sr. Giovanna Ballini (2012) - Sr. Nicolina Pastorino (2021) • IMSA: Gaetana Piazzese (2017) • ISF: Pietro Deplano (1991) - Salvatore D’Aprile (2005) - Luigi Cocci (2011).


April 27, 2024

L’interno, perché la prima santificazione riguarda la mente e il cuore, e l’interno, la vita interiore, che non è però solamente giaculatorie, la vita interiore è imparare, impiegare bene la mente, è pensare a Dio, acquistare una fede sempre più profonda; e col cuore un amore sempre più intenso verso Dio, verso il prossimo (APD56, 249).

April 27, 2024

El interior, porque la primera santificación, concierne a la mente y al corazón, y el interior, la vida interior, que sin embargo no es sólo jaculatorias, la vida interior es aprender, usar bien la mente, es pensar en Dios, adquirir una fe cada vez más profunda; y con el corazón un amor cada vez más intenso a Dios, al prójimo (APD56, 249).

April 27, 2024

The interior, because the first sanctification concerns the mind and the heart, and the interior, the interior life, which however is not only ejaculations, the interior life is learning, using the mind well, it is thinking of God, acquiring an ever deeper faith; and with the heart an ever more intense love for God, for the neighbour (APD56, 249).