Mar, Juil

Big DayThe Postulants and Pre-postulants (45 of them, joined by 6 formators) held their annual Big Day last February 27-28 at a house by the beach in Nasugbu, Batangas. The overnight stay was highlighted by a talk given by Bro. Hansel Mapayo, SSP on “I am not ashamed of the Gospel. It is the power of God for the salvation of everyone” (Rom 1:16). The assembly then gathered in their designated groupings for reflection on the input, sharing of their formation journey, and preparing for the evening pageant dubbed “Mr. and Miss Pauline.”

The big hall of the venue provided a fitting place for the evening activities marked by creativity, fun, and laughter. In the spirit of Pauline Year 2008-2009, group representatives essayed the roles of the Apostle Paul and his follower Thecla (according the apocryphal Acts of Paul and Thecla). The pair who excelled in costume, declamation, talent, and interview portions was declared “Mr. and Miss Pauline.” This year’s winners were Christian Tafalla (SSP) and Mary “Li Xia” Zhang (PDDM).

In the morning of the second day, the Paulines, dressed in their St. Paul tee-shirts, had a Eucharistic celebration presided by Fr. Gil Alinsangan. They then posed for picture-taking in the beach. After breakfast, it was recreation time. Many had a dip in the sea; others had a “banca ride” at the surrounding areas. Still others took long walks on the shore.

Just before lunch, the group had an evaluation of the event and planned for next year’s version. The date was fixed for the Big Day: the last week-end of February. The PDDM will host next year’s reunion.

Joining the young Filipino formands this year were two Chinese (PDDM), two Thais (FSP) and one Indonesian (FSP).  

Big Day
Big Day