Mer, Juil

tokyoTokyo, 10 October 2011.  The Pauline family gathered at the SSP house in Tokyo-Wakaba  for the opening ceremony of the preparation for the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Pauline Family.  Around 120 members attended among which are the SSP, FSP, PDDM and two IMSA.

The celebration started with a morning Holy Mass presided by Fr. Francesco Akabae Kennichi, local superior.  After lunch, Fr. Luca Kuwajima Keikichi, SSP (88years old and first SSP priest in Japan), Sr Ishino, FSP (first vocation of the FSP in Japan), Sr.Scolastica Yamano, PDDM (first vocation of the PDDM in Japan),  and Br. Conrado Nakamura Matsuo, SSP (84years old) talked about their vocation and experience of the Pauline Family foudation in Japan.  Everyone appreciated this wonderful vocation and grace from God. 

Following the testimonies, everyone watched the programme  "Un giorno come ogni giorno".