Mer, Juil


[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.

[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.

FP IndiaThe Formators of the Society of St Paul, Daughters of St Paul and Disciples of the Divine Master assembled at St Paul’s Provincilate, Mumbai from January 31 to February 04, 2009, for a training programme arranged by the Directors of Formation of the three Institutes. ‘Know thyself to know the Other self’ was the running theme of the programme and the participants were made to actively reflect on who they are and how changes can be effected in the self in order to be better effective, committed and focused persons in their lives.

Rev Dr Emmanuel Arockiam, SJ, Director, Loyola Institute of Business Management, Chennai, was the resource person and he dealt with topics like: importance of knowing the self, how the self can become a block to the personal growth of the Formator and how this can affect the Formees, the difficulty in assessing the present day candidates due to the diverse cultures, customs, personality types in the midst of changing values, self-esteem issues, how spiritual practices can some times become monotonous, meaningless and even defense mechanisms and ‘impression games’ played by the formees and many other related topics.  The resource person in his simple style made it so easy for the participants to understand the topics in depth and challenged them to be ‘specific, concrete and measurable’ in their ministry of formation so as to be effective in the same. The participants were happy at the end of the programme as it reiterated the importance of the continuous formation of the formators to understand and assess the different behavioral, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual trends of the formees and help and challenge them to grow. This programme also helped the Pauline Formators to come together and share their common concerns and visions.
