Mer, Juil


[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.

[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.

IndiaThe 3rd December 2011 will go down in the annals of India-Nigeria Province in general and the community of Mumbai in particular for three specific reasons: first, the Feast of our Founder, Blessed James Alberione, second, the Diamond Jubilee of Pauline presence in the Archdiocese of Bombay, and third, the Golden Jubilee of the Sacerdotal Ordination of two of our Pauline Priests: Fr Paul Vechoor and Fr Rego Albert (Rome); the Golden Jubilee of the First Profession of four of our Brothers: Brs James Stephen Uppani, Amaldas Parathazhath, Anthony Pottanani and Vincent Alencheril (Rome)and of three of our sisters: Sr Alice DSP, Sr Bernard DSP and Sr Carmine DSP. The joint celebration of the Golden Jubilee of our Brothers and Sisters was, in fact, a powerful witness to the Church in India that we are brothers and sisters of a family. This common celebration, first of its kind, is the official inauguration of the three-year preparation for the centenary celebrations of the Society of St Paul, the first child of the Pauline Family!

The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by His Eminence, Rt Rev Oswald Gracias, the Cardinal-Archbishop of Bombay. Relatives of the jubilarians coming from far and near, as well as several priests, religious and benefactors, joined the Pauline Family consisting of Priests, Brothers, Sisters and Lay Cooperators in praying for the jubilarians and in greeting them through and after the felicitation programme that followed. The Cardinal congratulated both the Pauline Family and the jubilarians on the yeoman service rendered by them to the Church and to the Society, and wished them well in the future of their mission. A short biographical presentation was screened on the jubilarians’ life and mission.

On this happy occasion, the Cardinal released the DVD titled “THE JOY OF GIVING” – a short film on how every act of kindness, big and small, can make a difference to the lives of others, directed by Fathers Alexander SSP and Shaiju SSP. A trailer of the DVD was also screened. This film will be televised by the Divine Vision TV shortly and thus we inaugurate TV apostolate which was a long-cherished dream of the Province!

The felicitation programme concluded with a Vote of Thanks by the firebrand orator, Brother James Stephen Uppani, representative of the jubilarians. A fellowship meal marked the grand finale of the day’s celebrations.
