Qui., Jul.

Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June, the ST PAULS International Bible Days, the first event organized by the USA St Pauls Biblical Center took place in the community of Staten Island NY. The inspiration came from our Founder, Blessed James Alberione: “Start from Bethlehem”, so the event was organized by volunteers and with a minimum budget. In particular, nothing would have been possible without the availability of our three speakers Fr. Arcángel Cárdenas SSP (Spanish Session), Fr. Robert Hospodar IGS (English Session) and Fr. Tony Bautista SSP (Tagalog Session), and in particular without the help of the two cooperators / volunteers Margie Skeels and her husband John Rolfe Skeels, who made this event possible. Every Session consisted of the celebration of Holy Mass and of a Bible Presentation/Conversation in one of three languages. The Bible Exhibit shows over 96 Bibles in 20 languages (not counting the multilingual Bibles). Particularly welcome was the visit to the exhibition, by Sr. Micaela Monetti, Superior General of the Disciples Sisters and of some members of her Council. Interestingly, the range of Bibles include in addition to English, Spanish and Tagalog and other major languages, also some curiosities, including the Native American languages as Dakota, Navajo, Ojibwe and Hawaiian, the Amish Bible in Pennsylvania Dutch and even the Gospel in Milanese dialect (spoken in Milan – Italy). Public participation in all three sessions was fairly good. We hope to be able to repeat the experience on a regular basis.

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