Lun, Jul

The community of St Pauls in Guwahati wore a festive look on June 3, 2023. The reason was the momentous occasion of the Diaconate Ordination of the first Pauline from Assam. Br Damiyan Borgoary, SSP who hails from the diocese of Bongaigoan was ordained deacon by His Grace Most Rev. John Moolachira, Archbisop of Guwahati, on this day. The Archbishop was assisted by Rev Fr. Joby Mathew, the Provincial Superior and Rev. Fr Prithviraj Philip, the Director of Formation.

In his homily the archbishop reminded the Cleric that God has called him for a reason and exhorted him to be faithful to that call.  He stressed on the value of celibacy and challenged the Candidate to nurture the life of celibacy and to avoid living a life of double face. He encouraged Br Damiyan to be an ardent apostle of Christ in this challenging world. Urging him further he said, “Serve passionately, preach by example and have personal contact with the Creator through the life of Prayer.” The Archbishop invited him to “be a zealous apostle of the Church like his patron St Paul and be a missionary wherever called to serve”.

More than 100 people — family Members of Deacon Damian, Priests from various religious congregations and the diocese of Guwahati, Brothers, Sisters and a few friends of the Community of Guwahati — participated in the Solemn Eucharistic celebration. The liturgy of the day was perfectly planned and beautifully celebrated which evoked spontaneous expressions of appreciation from everyone including the Archbishop. “I consider myself blessed to be part of this celebration”, commented a Sister at the end of the celebration. We wish Deacon Damiyan Borgoary a fruitful and meaningful service as he takes up his pastoral ministry as a deacon.