Mar, Juil

Rev Fr Varghese Gnalian, our Provincial Superior and Fr Sebastian Thomas Elavunkal (DGA) paid a fraternal visit to Pune community on July 30, 2021. During the Eucharistic celebration in the evening, Fr Sunil Varghese was installed as superior of the community for a second term and later the councillors were elected and formed the government. Amit Toppo and Hendry Gonmei were instituted the ministry of Reader by Fr Provincial. During the homily Fr Varghese thanked Fr Sunil for the great services he rendered to the Community and to the people around and wished him all the best during his second term. The recipients of the Ministry of Reader were told to focus on their responsibility as official Readers at the Eucharistic celebration, to meditate on God’s Word and to proclaim it to others as faithful ministers.

On July 31, 2021, while celebrating the memorial of St Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Aind and Damiyan Borgoary were instituted with the ministry of Acolyte by Rev Fr Varghese Gnalian, the Provincial Superior. During the homily, Fr Varghese reminded everyone, especially the Acolytes, to offer themselves to God as spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to Him through Jesus Christ and to have genuine love for the mystical body of Christ, the people of God. He exhorted them to become the body of Christ broken for others and blood of Christ shed for others in their lives and thus live faithfully the Ministry they have received.

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