Qui., Jul.

St Pauls Institute of Communication Education, Mumbai held Inauguration Day Celebrations on Monday, July 16, 2018, to celebrate the launch the new Bachelor of Mass Media (BMM) and Inauguration of the new academic year 2018-19. The BMM undergraduate degree, affiliated to the University of Mumbai, is offered exclusively for ‘Women Students’. About 220 guests, students, faculty, parents and well-wishers of the institute and Society of St Paul, attended the ceremony.

During the ceremony attended by Rev. Fr Varghese Gnalian, Provincial Superior, Rev Fr. Dr. Dominic D’Silva, Director- St Pauls Institute of Communication Education, Chief Guest Ms. Faye D’Souza, Executive Editor, Mirror Now and  Dr. Sunder Rajdeep, Chairman Board of Studies, University of Mumbai, students, parents, faculty got to know about the new academic year in store at the institute.

The ceremony commenced with a prayer urging us to be the light which makes students to put  their talents for the betterment of society. This was then followed by the ceremonious lighting of the lamp by all the dignitaries.

After an introductory speech by Rev Fr. Dominic D’silva , Director, who spoke about his high hope towards communication media research, with impact on communication today and its ability to influence society , and the institute’s plan and processes in place to help students build successful media careers.

Speeches by distinguished guests continued. Rev. Fr. Gnalian spoke about the Pauline Communication Mission, the vision and mission and the tie in with media- studies today. He also blessed the institute, the chief guest and other dignitaries and audience members, while declaring the new academic year open.

Then Chief Guest, Mirror Now Executive Editor- Ms. Faye D’Souza took to the podium to deliver the keynote address. A well respected journalist, she spoke about contemporary India and the role of the media today. She spoke about the role of the (educational) institute in training future media professionals, and the power of ‘not hiding your voice’ but engaging in and questioning the discussions and decisions rolled out by the government and ‘powers that may be’.

Drawing further inference from the multireligious prayer, Ms. D’souza, expounded on being the ‘salt of the earth’, laying emphasis on ethics and conscience, the sense of right and wrong, developing a circle of influence, the attitude of hard work, and even the ability to spell correctly—drawing amused smiles from the faculty members in audience—all the while ‘thinking of the job ahead of you’ as a media professional.

Dr. Sunder Rajdeep, with his warm and encouraging words about St Pauls Institute of Communication Education, spoke of the Institute’s continued focus on media studies, to make media education accessible to all, especially women. He officially launched the Bachelor of Mass Media program at this ceremony and presented Rev. Fr. Gnalian with approval letters to commence the new course.

Dean Carol Andrade, gave warm and encouraging words, speaking about impact of reporting, the influence media has over society, while focusing on the tremendous impact of the fragile press-media-society relationship. She wished all students "Good" , telling them to  prepare well for the work they have to undertake during the academic year.

Fr. Francis Xavier, Asst. Director, delivered the vote of thanks and mementos were presented to the Chief Guest, the Guest of Honor, and the Provincial Superior respectively.

After the inaugural ceremony, several guests toured the campus to see the state-of-the-art facilities, while some students waited on to click pictures with the popular, well respected, and well regarded Ms. D’Souza.


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