Qui., Jul.

Thursday, 9th November 2017, was a red-letter day for SPICE, Mumbai, with the visit of Most Rev. Fr Valdir José De Castro, two of the General Councillors, Rev. Fr Varghese Gnalian, the Provincial Superior, and his Councillors, and Fr Shaiju, the Founding-Director of SPICE, Mumbai.

In honour of the dignitaries, the Institute organised a cultural evening with exciting programmes. Fr Dominic D’Silva, the Director, welcomed august guests and special invitees.

“Today, we have the most modern technologies to communicate, innumerable of them, the question is all about the quality of communication, we need a type of communication to foster human and societal values, and to reinstate sound ethical principles in the field of communication and media,” urged Fr De Castro while addressing the gathering.

Fr Gnalian assured the students that the St Pauls Institute will support and stand by with those students who like to be different and courageous in the field of media. During the programme, Carol Andare, the Dean, felicitated the dignitaries. The entire cultural evening was meticulously planned and executed by SPICE team under the charismatic leadership of Fr Renold Pascal, the Asst. Director. 

Much later on, the community of Mumbai together with Pauline Family representatives celebrated the Eucharist which was presided over by Fr Superior General. Agape meal that followed the liturgical celebration, gave every person an opportunity profoundly experience the true spirit of Pauline Family.

The day before, 8th November, the Superior general visited also the community of Pune, where he could meet and talked with the juniors of the Province.

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