Mer, Juil


[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.

[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.


A dream that a young heart began cherishing at the tender age of 15 has come true after 15 long years.  On 26 September, 2015 Dn George Mattathinanickal was ordained priest by Rt Rev George Njaralakattu, Archbishop of Tellichery.

The ordination ceremony began at 9.30 am at Lourdu Mata Forane Church, Chemperi, Kannur, Kerala. Even as prayers of his family, friends and relatives rose to heaven, the Bishop laid his hands on Dn George, anointing him with the sacred gift of Priesthood.

The Bishop, in his homily, highlighted how priesthood is a mystery and how a priest is called from among the many to a life of complete dedication to Christ.  It is a precious gift God gives freely to those who respond to his call. Further, he encouraged the youngsters to draw inspiration from the life of Fr George and embrace a life committed to the cause of Christ.

With a heart throbbing with boundless joy and a scarcely concealed enthusiasm on his face the newly ordained entered the altar of the Lord and celebrated his First Holy Mass.

A small felicitation programme followed the Holy Mass. The new priest was told about the tough road that lay ahead of him by those who have already travelled a few miles on the road. With his characteristic smile on his face, the newly ordained thanked all in a speech peppered with humour and requested their continued prayers and assured them of his prayers.


Où sommes-nous