Qui., Set.

Ordination India 2014With hearts full of joy and gratitude the Pauline family together with St Mary's Church, Manippara witnessed the heart-lifting Ordination ceremony of Deacon Shinto Joseph Karimattathil at 9 am on March 1, 2014. Deacon Shinto was raised to the order of priesthood by His Excellency Mar George Valiyamattam, the Archbishop of Tellichery. In his homily, Archbishop Mar. George highlighted the duties and responsibilities of a priest and invited the faithful to pray for priests and for more vocations to serve in the vineyard of the Lord. 

The newly ordained celebrated his First Holy Mass immediately after his ordination. He was joined by over 20 concelebrating priests and a large number of religious and faithful. During the celebration programme after the mass, the Parish Priest Rev Fr Jose Manichathazhe congratulated Fr Shinto Joseph on behalf of the Parishioners. Rev Fr Michael Raj, the Provincial Superior congratulated Fr Shinto in the name of India-Nigeria-Great Britain-Ireland Province and thanked his parents for giving their son to Society of St Paul. Fr Shinto expressed his gratitude to all for their prayerful support and constant encouragement on his journey to priesthood.




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