Mer, Juil


[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.

[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.


There was something unique in this years’ first profession. The six novices were from five states of India: Ambrose Divyanathan  from Tamil Nadu and his parents and relatives came with a dress pertaining to their state and spoke their language Tamil; Amos Kamei, his brother and friends from Manipur spoke the Naga language; Lucas Narzari and his parents came from Asssam with their Boro Tribe Costume; Mahendra and his parents from Andhra Pradesh and spoke Telugu language; and Manoj and Shanoop, and their relatives from Kerala who spoke Malayalam language. The gathering was amused to see the confluence of different cultures and languages.

The solemn celebration was followed by a fellow ship meal and a cultural evening organized by the aspirants.



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