Lun, Jul

On the eve of the solemnity of Jesus Master, the Way, the Truth, and the Life (October 29th), the principal feast of the Pauline Family, the members of the SSP community at Mumbai gathered in the Chapel along with Br Orlando Fernandes to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of his Religious Profession.

In his homily, the Provincial Superior, who officiated the Holy Eucharist, congratulated Br Orlando for his faithfulness to the Lord in his committed Pauline life. He highlighted the simple and ordinary lifestyle of Br Orlando and how humble and obedient a religious he was all these years. Br Orlando is an example of doing small things with utmost love and dedication. He has inspired many young aspirants by his calm and unassuming nature. The angelic singing of the community choir and meaningful celebration of the Eucharist provided a spiritual atmosphere to the joyful occasion. 

During the special agape that followed, all members congratulated Br Orlando for his inspiring life and assured him of prayers and support as his mobility is restricted due to ill health. Retired from the active ministry he is resting in the infirmary and is engaged in the apostolate of prayer.