Lun, Jul

June 19, 2022 was a day of rejoicing and thanksgiving for the members of the Society of St Paul at Jorhat, Assam. Our friends and well-wishers including two bishops flocked to our premises to felicitate us and to pray for us as our newly constructed chapel and book centre were blessed and dedicated to the Lord and his mission.

The day’s programme began with a welcome address by Fr Tijo Antony. Br Blaise Thadathil, the Provincial Bursar, cut the ribbon and inaugurated the book centre. Most Rev Dr Joseph Aind, bishop emeritus of the diocese of Dibrugarh, then blessed the new book centre and exhorted the faithful to make use of the centre for their spiritual nourishment and to come closer to the Lord.

After the blessing of the book centre the assembly went in procession to the new chapel for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist as the choir melodiously sang the entrance hymn. The Holy Mass was presided over by Most Rev Dr Albert Hemrom, Bishop of the diocese of Dibrugarh and was concelebrated by Bishop Joseph Aind and several priests. As the Church celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ on the day, the bishop in his homily explained the meaning of the Eucharist and its importance in our daily life.

After the Holy Mass Fr Rony Lewis, Delegate of the Community of Jorhat, proposed the vote of thanks and took this opportunity to specially felicitate Bishop Albert Hermon, Bishop Joseph Aind, and Br Blaise. He also felicitated the engineer, the contractor, the electrician, the painters and the interior designers. Fr Philip SDB, Rector of Rua Home, who compered the programme was profusely appreciated.

Thereafter the congregation gathered near the new mobile book shop (Granth Rath). The Bishop of Dibrugarh, Most Rev Dr Albert Hemrom, blessed the new mobile bus and handed over its key to the driver.

The day’s festivities came to an end with a fellowship meal served to all those who attended the inaugural function.