Dom., Jul.

The Annual Juniors Winter Meet was held in the community of Pune from 28-31 December 2021. The Meet begun by lighting the lamp in the presence of the Provincial Superior, Rev Fr Varghese Gnalian, The Director of Formation of the Province, Rev Fr Aneesh Antony, the resource person Rev Fr Francis Dalmet and Rev Fr Philip Muthukulam, the Master in-charge of the Juniors in Pune.

Fr Aneesh welcomed the gathering and invited the Provincial Superior to inaugurate the Juniors meet 2021. Fr Provincial in his address exhorted the Juniors to make every effort to establish strong relationship among them and challenged them to pick up the positives even in the darkest moments of life and to be always creative and innovative. He encouraged them to stay together and be focused that we can achieve greater goals. He wished that the annual “Juniors Meet” be a source of strength, positivity, bonding and hope for growth.

During the three days that followed, the resource person Rev Fr Francis Dalmet discussed in depth the Spirituality of the Pauline family. He began with our patron, St Paul as to how he embraced Christ the Master and as a result could not remain silent but to propagate the Lord through his spirituality. He infused in the Juniors a renewed zest for Pauline way of life with his rich knowledge of Blessed James Alberione’s Spirituality and life and his lived experience of the Pauline Life and Mission. He exhorted them to walk the path that our dear Founder walked and thus be effective in our Pauline life and mission and thus be exemplary Paulines. He concluded the sessions saying: Let our spirituality “way, truth and life” be flourished under the guidance of Paul and under the protection of Mary queen of the Apostles.

At the end of the programme the Juniors expressed their gratitude to Fr Dalmet and all the others who worked hard to make this annual the Annual Winter Meet a great success. This annual event came to a close with a festive dinner on 30th December.

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