Mer, Juil

29th June 2021 will go down in the annals of the Community of Vijayawada as a red-letter-day as seven postulants and three aspirants entered the Canonical Year of Novitiate and Postulancy respectively. Prior to this, they made a five-day retreat from 24 to 29, preached by Rev. Fr. Gregory Rayappan, with the theme: ‘Called to Be Rooted in God.’

The entire ceremony took place during the Solemn Eucharist Celebration presided over by Rev. Fr. Wilson Thekkanath, the Superior of the Community. Fr George, during his homily, has highlighted the nature and the importance of the Novitiate and Pre-Novitiate in the life of a religious. He exhorted them saying, “During the year-long formation a novice finds Jesus as his treasure and so he knowingly, willlingly and wholeheartedly consecreates his life to the Lord.” At the end of the Holy Mass, Fr Wilson entrusted the newly admitted novices to the care of Fr George Chattanatt and Postulants to Fr Anil Pasala. The presence of St Joseph Nivas Sisters and their melodious singing added colour to the celebration. The day’s celebration ended with a sumptuous dinner.

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