Mer, Juil

Three Postulants entered the canonical year of Novitiate in the community of Guwahati, Society of St Paul, India, on Sunday, 30 August 2020. Fr K.V. Sebastian, the superior of the community, presided over the ceremony and marked their entry to the novitiate by presenting them a copy of the Holy Gospel each.

In his homily, Fr Sebastian instructed the Novices of the importance of the year of novitiate in their lives as Pauline Religious. He also explained that the year of Postulancy had given them a chance to learn about religious life in general and also of the Pauline life in particular. This would be the year of deepening their understanding and knowledge of the Pauline religious life, so that they are ready to commit themselves to the Lord in the Society of St Paul.

He then, entrusted them to the care of Fr Saji Antony, the Novice Master. The novices had a week-long retreat under the guidance of Fr Vincent Carmel as a preparation for the year of novitiate.

It is to be noted that the entrance to the Novitiate was postponed because of the present global health crisis and coronavirus-19 pandemic; in the Province, the annual entrance to novitiate takes place on 30th May.


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