Sex., Jul.

ST PAULS STUDIO, Bangalore, a state-of-the-art studio was inaugurated and blessed on 6 May 2019 in the presence of management, students, and faculty of ST PAULS COLLEGE and ST PAULS INSTITUTE OF COMMUNICATION EDUCATION. The inaugural ceremony was graced by the presence of Rev Fr Varghese Gnalian, the Provincial Superior; Rev Fr Sebastian Ampattukuzhiyil, the Chairman; Rev Fr Dr M. J. Thomas, the Director and Administrator, Rev Fr Dr Plavendran, the Principal and other fathers, brothers, sisters and friends. The ceremony began by invoking the blessings of the Almighty. 

In his address to the gathering, Rev Fr Varghese Gnalian shed light on the critical and pathetic juncture the Indian journalism is in today’s context and reiterated the importance of trained journalists who will do their job without fear or favour. He affirmed that ST PAULS is committed to provide world-class facilities in enhancing the skills of every aspiring media personnel. Fr Thomas in his address thanked the Provincial Team, the community, staff, technicians and others who helped in making this studio a reality.

The inaugural event concluded with the distribution of sweets to celebrate this joyous occasion and with a resolve to reach greater heights and provide world-class facilities to strengthen SPC and SPICE as the global leaders in the field of media education.

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