Dom., Jul.

During the homily, the Provincial Superior exhorted the newly professed members to be faithful to the Divine call they have received and respond to it joyfully, generously and courageously at every moment of their committed apostolic life.  He encouraged the newly professed members to accept the challenges and sufferings that come on their way in the spirit in which St Paul, Patron of the Pauline Family, accepted them for the sake of the Gospel and mission.

Those present congratulated the newly professed brothers on the bold step they have taken and wished them abundance of God's blessings as they proceed to the community at Mumbai to take up their studies for graduation.

The day before, 30 May, six SSP postulants, during a short yet meaningful liturgical celebration, entered the canonical novitiate year in "Snehalaya" (Novitiate house meaning 'house of love') attached to the community of Bangalore. 

During the homily the Provincial Superior, Fr Varghese Gnalian, exhorted the members of the community to accompany and assist the novices with lived examples of apostolic zeal, commitment to community life based on Gospel values, spirit of prayer and genuine love for the Congregation. The Provincial Superior entrusted the 6 Novices to the care of Fr Wilson Thekanath, the Master of Novices. The whole community prayed for the novices and wished them a fruitful and memorable formative experience.


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