Jeu, Juil

Rev. Fr Johnson, a member of the BYB Mumbai editorial board, welcomed everyone to the gathering and highlighted the role of BYB in creating a human society based on values.  The Chief Guest Shri  Jotindra Kumar Borgohain and other dignitaries were greeted  with the traditional gomocha of the state of Assam.

Rev. Fr Gilbert, BYB Guwahati Director, presented the history of the BYB in India and the purpose of the new distribution centre of ST PAULS in the North-East region of India.

The first day of the Guwahati-BYB Book Fest 2010 was visited by a number of eminent persons, journalists, bureaucrats, book lovers and students from various schools.  The include students from Montfort School, Guwahati, who presented national integration dances that left  the public spell bound.

The GUWAHATI-BYB BOOK FEST 2010 is also organizing various competitions such as Drawing, Elocution, Dace and Fancy Dress to empower and equip the school students during the week-long event.

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