Mer, Juil

In 1983, the Society of St. Paul, then headed by Regional Superior Fr. Felino Quitalig, acquired a piece of land in San Fernando, Pampanga. In the following years,  the local community for the formation of the Novices was established. Pampanga then became the Novitiate House.

On September 23, 2023, the memorial of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, the Pampanga community celebrated its 40th Foundation Anniversary with a solemn Eucharistic celebration at the community chapel. Provincial Superior Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite was the main presider, assisted by Fr. Romeo Hitosis, one of the pioneers, and Fr. Jerome Palm, the local superior. Visiting Pauline priests and guests priests concelebrated. Attending were aspirants, postulants, and Juniors of the Society of St. Paul, representatives from the Pious Disciples of the Divine Master, members of the Association of Pauline Cooperators (Friends of the Divine Master) in Pampanga, the chapel's regular Mass-goers, benefactors, and cooperators.

In his homily, Fr. Provincial reflected on Primo Maestro's words 40 years into the journey of the Pauline Family, which resonate with the celebration of SSP-Pampanga’s own anniversary. He likened this journey to a train ride with two tracks: the first track acknowledges the abundant blessings from the Lord, leading us to the Magnificat; the second track acknowledges our imperfections amidst God’s faithfulness, leading us to the Miserere. Fr. Provincial emphasized the importance of looking back and acknowledging that “everything has been willed by the Lord,” prompting us to sing our Magnificat and seek forgiveness for our shortcomings, our Miserere.

Before the conclusion of the Mass, the letter of Superior General Don Domenico Soliman was read, where he expressed immense joy in commemorating this significant milestone of the formative-apostolic community. This community, once the Novitiate house of the Philippines-Macau Province until 2019, when it transitioned into the Postulancy house, holds special historical value. The Superior General urged members to embody Primo Maestro's teachings by staying connected with Jesus Master, fostering unity within the Pauline Family, and dedicating themselves to Gospel proclamation in their daily lives.

Fr. Jerome Palma expressed gratitude to all who have been part of the Pampanga community from its inception, noting that 40 years already represents a generation. He hopes that as the community continues to grow, it will touch the lives of more generations of people. He then invited everyone to an agapē after the Mass.

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