Mar, Juil

As the Society of St Paul celebrates its 106th foundation anniversary on August 20, 2020, it also marks the 40th sacerdotal ordination anniversary of Fr. Gil Alinsangan and Fr. Dominador Castro. The Jubilarians led the Province’s concelebrated Mass in thanksgiving to God for the gift of Pauline charism, mission, and vocation.

In his homily, Fr. Gil shared about the biblical significance of the number “40” which means “an end of a journey or adventure,” taking references to the 40-year journey of the Israelites in the Sinai desert before they entered the Promise Land and Jesus’ 40-day retreat and temptation in the desert before he began his public ministry. He also added that “40 is also a time of assessment: how did I and Fr Ador do in the last 40 years? For the good things we have done, thank you Lord. For the wasted time and for the time that was not done very well, sorry Lord. How many years more? Only God know. We should live each day as a grace of God.”

For Fr. Gil, the past 40 years of their priestly life and religious consecration are but “borrowed time” from God for which he is thankful for. He noted that this is also a time to move forward by “giving one’s self so that other may have life like the Lord Jesus.”

In his message to the Jubilarians, the Superior General exhorted them “to renew the joy of being Pauline apostles and keep the desire to be creative” and to always walk in the footsteps of St. Paul and of Blessed James Alberione, “assured that the Divine Master will give you renewed energies in order to be ‘artisans of communion.’”

The community capped the celebration with a sumptuous dinner with a short audiovisual presentation showing the Pauline life and ministry of the Jubilarians.

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