Seg., Jul.

Through the collaboration of three offices of  St Pauls Marketing, the Director General for the Apostolate (DGA) and St Paul Seminary Foundation, Biblos Reading Club was formally launched last October 9, 2018 as Conversation with Fr. Sid Marinay a.k.a Jesus de Nazareno the author of the newly launched ST PAULS book, Jonathan in the Sea of Faith took place at St Pauls Bookstore Megamall, from 2 to 3 PM.

Biblos Reading Club is a community (both real and virtual) of book lovers who gather to read, study books of all genres, and if there is a possibility to listen to the authors of the books. The community will meet at least once in every two months at one of the bookstores of ST PAULS, which is also covered on line, Go-Live through Facebook account, St Pauls Online; Instagram account, stpaulsdga and Twitter acct, @stpauls dga. Interested ones who want to join this club need to PM (private message) the earlier mentioned three accounts.

The next activity of Biblos Reading Club will be on December 1, 2018, Saturday from 2-3 PM at 7708 St. Paul Road, San Antonio Village, and the next book to be taken up by the author himself is, “Unto Us A Child is Born” by Gil Alinsangan, SSP, the 2018 Cardinal Sin Catholic Book Lifetime Achievement Awardee.

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