Mer, Juil

Fr. Sassi asked the Juniors regarding their motivations for entering the Congregation and their future plans for apostolic involvement. He quipped: “To be a Pauline is to be an artist!” He solicited their views and recommendations in view of the future of the circumscription. 

Fr. Sassi stressed the uniqueness of the Pauline apostolate in the Church, and its manifold demands and challenges. He encouraged the Juniors to pray and to study hard, and to undergo specialization. He told them: “The Congregation does not need donkeys but horses... We need priests who are also professionals... Those of you who are intending to specialize most especially in the field of mass communication have my blessing...”

After a short break, an open forum followed. Fr. Sassi shared his views on the emerging theology of communication. He provided an assessment of the creative fidelity of the members to the charism of the Founder, and of the current status of the apostolate. He joyfully recounted his experiences while being a Junior himself, especially the deeply-cherished encounters with Blessed James Alberione. He described the Founder as having both “the toughness of a father, and the sweetness of a mother...” Hence, he underlined the importance of fraternal concern and affection in community life.

Sassi Juniors

Sassi Juniors

Où sommes-nous