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[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder joomgallery/originals/circumscription_19/corea_98/2013_-_perpetual_professions_358 is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.

[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder joomgallery/originals/circumscription_19/corea_98/2013_-_perpetual_professions_358 is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.

Perpetual ProfesisonOn April 25, 2013, during the Eucharistic celebration presided by Fr. Yeong Phil Sye Angelo, Regional Superior of Korea, Br. Seung Hyun Kang Petro and Br. Yo Han Hwang John Daniel made their perpetual profession at the SSP Song Jung Dong community. Pauline Family members, including the General Superior of the SGBP, participated. The PDDM choir enriched the liturgy. In his homily, Fr. Angelo expressed words of appreciation and encouragement to the newly perpetually professed.

Reception followed at the community dining room. Br. Jerome Ship, Superior of the community, welcomed with warm hospitality everyone who participated in the ceremony. Br. Jonah prepared a special photo clip of the new perpetually professed brothers while aspirant Park Luke played a Hawaiian instrument called Uklele. All members of the community sang "Let us make a journey together" at the conclusion of the reception.
