Mon, Jul



Sunday 26 April we focused on apostolic content. Father Ricardo Ares , ssp, drew up before us the contemporary ecclesial challenges, offering a broad presentation with particular attention to the great ecclesial engagements of the five continents.  Sr. Elide Pulita, fsp, completed this presentation by emphasizing the social challenges that, from both the human and communicative perspectives, characterize our contexts, with special emphasis on the Latin-American world. Father Giusto Truglio , ssp, in keeping with his apostolic experience, suggested what is at the basis of apostolic action. The three interventions were different and yet complementary and offered ample material for the lively discussion that took place in the afternoon, with the assembly divided into nine groups.

Monday 27 April, the conversation shifted themes to the pastoral style of Paul and the Pauline Family. The interesting presentation “in two voices” offered by Sr. Elena Bosetti of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd and Fr. Vincenzo Marras , ssp, lent itself to the image of a kind of “ideal” pastoral pentagram whose five sides could be compared to the kerygmatic, ecclesial, communal/participative, prophetic and paradoxical styles (referring to the paradox of the cross and of weakness) which the Pauline Family is called to make its own. From the group work which animated the afternoon, various proposals emerged for becoming “agents of change” through a style marked by dialogue, inclusivity and a frontier spirit; one that can make us capable of being bridges, that is “agents of communion”, and points, that is “agents of prophecy.” [a play on words in Italian: bridges = ponti; points = punte]

Tuesday 28 April, our attention was focused on the spiritual experience during an engaging comparison between the journey carried out by the Apostle Paul and that of Fr. Alberione. Sr. Regina Cesarato , Superior General of the Pious Disciples, highlighted the need for a unified and integral spirituality, capable of overcoming every form of dichotomy between spirituality and mission. During the group work there was broad concensus concerning the importance of living and witnessing to the richness of our Christo-centric spirituality and the necessity of reflecting deeply on it as a Family.
Many were the suggestions that emerged; varied the reflections; complementary the sensitivities... Just as when he addressed the believers of the first hour, so Paul provoked us and reminded us of the risk of walking each according to our own path, reaffirming the richness of being one body, one family and emphasizing the passion for a Gospel open to all cultures and capable of entering into dialogue with them. We would like to conclude by placing on the lips of Paul and Alberione these expressions from 2 Cor 3:2-3:

You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all; and you show that you are a letter of Christ, prepared by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

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Photogallery: Day 8 - Day 9


Agenda Paolina

July 01, 2024

Feria (verde)
Am 2,6-10.13-16; Sal 49; Mt 8,18-22

July 01, 2024

* FSP: 1979 a Bacolod (Filippine) • PD: 2000 Casa Sacerdotale a Chennai (India).

July 01, 2024SSP: D. Alessio Barbero (2006) - D. Miguel Vido (2006) • FSP: Sr. Rosina Sega (2008) - Sr. Assunta Maria Lopez (2011) - Sr. M. Vincenzina Guion (2011) • PD: Sr. M. Luigina Della Penna (1998) • SJBP: Sr. Francesca Scanu (2013) - Sr. Carmen Di Maio (2023) • IGS: Servo di Dio mons. Francesco Fasola (1988) • ISF: Mary Elisabeth Smeyres (2022).