Fri, Jul


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The morning was dedicated to the presentation of the activities which revolved around the celebration of the Centenary of the Pauline Family.  The Superior General explained the motivations for the existence of two Commissions, one for the Pauline Family and one for the Society of St Paul.  Afterwards the Superiors illustrated the various initiatives which will accompany this particular occassion in the story of the Pauline Family...the initiatives are numerous and often coinvolve the whole Pauline Family in all its different branches.  In the afternoon the assembly met with the Secretary General, the General Bursar's personell (Fr. Giuseppe Proietti and Br. Lorenzo  Vizzani) and the Delegate for the Institutes, Fr. Celso Godilano.

On 20 November we gathered at 9:00 to conclude the work.  It was not to be a fast concluding synthesis with some expression of thanksgiving for the collaborators but of a series of questions (more then 10) which the Superior General wished to place before the Major Superioirs and in some cases to entrust to them for punctual execution.  At 10:45 - after some normal photo sessions - the assembly gathered at the Sottocripta for the concluding Eucharistic Mass which was celebrated in different languages.  The judgement on charity heard in the Gospel, points to "charity of truth" - as Fr. Silvio Sassi rememinded - which is charity for the mind, the soul and the spirit.  We are born form the Eucharist, but the Eucharist compels us to mission, to the the needs of our receivers: this is our charity.  And more, the Superiors have the charity of the "service of authority".

The week-long meeting is finished, but for some, now the good work truly begins!

HOMILY - Fr. Silvio Sassi (ITA - ESP - ENG)

GALLERIA FOTO (con descrizioni)


Agenda Paolina

July 19, 2024

Feria (verde)
Is 38,1-6.21-22.7-8; Cant. Is 38,10-12.16; Mt 12,1-8

July 19, 2024

* Nessun evento particolare.

July 19, 2024SSP: Fr. Pedro Dolzani (2020) • FSP: Sr. M. Ester Ercolino (2003) - Sr. Pierpaola Maria Mariotto (2010) - Sr. M. Concordia Sanchez (2015) - Sr. M. Federica Baronchelli (2020) - Sr. M. Paola Soru (2022) - Sr. Juana Antonia González Maya (2022) • PD: Sr. M. Agnese Giuglardi (1981) - Sr. M. Fabiana Lucido (2000) • SJBP: Sr. Immacolata Ascedu (1994) • IMSA: Pierina Corsagni (2003) • ISF: Giuseppe Dessì (2013).