Mon, Jul

In the morning of Wednesday, 5 November, the Superior General, Fr. Silvio Sassi, presented the work done by the General Government after the Intercapitular Assembly in Cuernavaca.  He highlighted the lights and shadows encountered during their realisation.  He asked the contribution of the Major Superiors on the eventuality of updating or reviewing of the Constitutions-Directory and on the theme of the next General Chapter which will take place in May 2010.

During the afternoon, the Major Superiors had the opportunity to listen to the reports of the three General Officials (Fr. Filippo Rappa, Procurator General; Br. Marco Bulgarelli, General Bursar, and Br. Lorenzo Vezzani, Secretary General) and the Postulator General of the Pauline Family, Fr Antonio F. da Silva.

Today, 6 November,  the meeting of the General Government with the Major Superiors continue according to the program.  It shall analyse the collaboration between the General Government and the Government of Circumscriptions and the relationship between ordinary canonical authority and delegated authority.

FOTOGALLERIA (Fr. Takahito Tokuda) >>>

Ariccia 2008

Ariccia 2008

Ariccia 2008

Ariccia 2008



Agenda Paolina

July 01, 2024

Feria (verde)
Am 2,6-10.13-16; Sal 49; Mt 8,18-22

July 01, 2024

* FSP: 1979 a Bacolod (Filippine) • PD: 2000 Casa Sacerdotale a Chennai (India).

July 01, 2024SSP: D. Alessio Barbero (2006) - D. Miguel Vido (2006) • FSP: Sr. Rosina Sega (2008) - Sr. Assunta Maria Lopez (2011) - Sr. M. Vincenzina Guion (2011) • PD: Sr. M. Luigina Della Penna (1998) • SJBP: Sr. Francesca Scanu (2013) - Sr. Carmen Di Maio (2023) • IGS: Servo di Dio mons. Francesco Fasola (1988) • ISF: Mary Elisabeth Smeyres (2022).