Mar, Juil


[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.

[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.

It was the turn of the Comitato Technico Internazionale per Apostolato (CTIA) President Fr. Ciro Monroy to share about the efforts on the project: E-book: e-learning and e-publishing and the unification of the corporate image of ST PAULS.

Lunch of Korean and Japanese accents was served, after which, the assembly discussed the apostolic collaboration in the three phases: editorial, production and diffusion and the proposed Meeting of Pauline Publishers in Rome, October 2012.

Even as a letter of sympathy and condolence for the siblings and relatives of Fr. Salud Paredes was being prepared, the delegates also received news that the brother of Fr. Gil Alinsangan, the official translator of the 8th CAP-ESW, just died.

The group then proceeded to Manila Bay for a yacht ride to behold the sunset, and to a tour around the old Intramuros (Walled City during the Spanish Period) where they had a dinner of Philippine cuisine and dances.

Fotos by Fr. Restie de la Pena


Agenda Paolina

22 juillet 2024

Festa di S. Maria Maddalena (bianco)
Ct 3,1-4a oppure 2Cor 5,14-17; Sal 62; Gv 20,1-2.11-18

22 juillet 2024

* FSP: 1922 ad Alba, Teresa Merlo con altre 8 giovani emette la professione religiosa nelle mani di Don Giacomo Alberione assumendo il nome di Tecla.

22 juillet 2024SSP: Fr. Pietro Gazzano (1998) - D. Aristide Marson (2007) - Fr. Élbio Juvenal Rodrigues Dias (2011) • FSP: Sr. M. Giuseppina Muddolon (1981) - Sr. M. Eugenia Cecchinato (2010) • SJBP: Sr. M. Elisabetta Franchi (1961) - Sr. Mary Edward Parcero (2019) • IMSA: Vita Rotunno (2014) • ISF: Giovanni Marongiu (2004).