Mer, Juil

In his opening remarks, Fr. Johnson Chacko Vattakunnel said: “This meeting is triggered by the resolutions our Provincial and Regional Superiors and Directors of Apostolate during the last plenary meeting of the CAP-ESW held in Tokyo from February 10-14, 2009. Many serious and valuable suggestions came up during that meeting with regards to our formation and a number of  resolutions were made. However, no concrete actions were initiated to realize the resolutions of the meeting. Hence the current meeting was planned.”

The meeting which follows the theme of the IX General Chapter of the Congregation: “Rekindle the gift you have received: Creative fidelity to the hundred years of Pauline Charism, ”  devoted the first day to the reports on Formation of the Circumscriptions and to issues that emerged with the participants relating their reports to the different agenda formulated in the Tokyo Meeting. 

MESSAGE FROM SIF (English - Italian)




Agenda Paolina

3 juillet 2024

Festa di S. Tommaso, apostolo (rosso)
Ef 2,19-22; Sal 116; Gv 20,24-29

3 juillet 2024

* PD: 1964 Casa DM a Caracas (Venezuela) - 1974 Casa DM Santhome Cathedral a Chennai (India) - 1977 a Nellore (India).

3 juillet 2024SSP: D. Mario Ianuale (1974) • FSP: Sr. M. Rosaria Avellaneda (1952) - Sr. Yvonne Briffa (2000) - Sr. Rosangela Rantucci (2011) - Sr. M. Angela Cois (2016) • PD: Sr. M. Igina Giuliano (1988) - Sr. M. Leontina Fiorani (2004) • IMSA: Maria Astudillo (2007) • ISF: José Mauro Espinosa (2013).