Mar, Juil

The maiden Junior’s Meet took place on 29th of August at the community of Ibadan. The three-day program was historic, as it had never been conducted before.

The first day's activity began with the recitation of the Lauds, followed by the inaugural Mass presided over by Father Peter Perunnilathil, the Superior of the Ibadan community. He reflected on the life of St. John the Baptist whom he projected as a model for religious life and admonished the junior members to embrace the virtue of truth, as exemplified by the saint.

Father Praveen Jose, the Coordinator General of Formation for the region, led the first session of the day. He elaborated on the program’s purpose, explaining that it was designed for the junior members in the region to plan the activities for the following year. It covered the digital media apostolate, the annual Bible quiz for 2024, and the annual publication of the Pauline Echo magazine for 2024. Father Martins Obasi, the director of the digital apostolate, led the second session. The discussions hovered around having new approach to the social media apostolate; including producing Sunday reflections, creatively unveiling the God’s Word 2024, and generating weekly social media content.

The second day’s program featured a seminar on the theme: “Team Building”, facilitated by Fr. Francis Chiadi OP. The concept of teamwork, its relevance, real-life examples, and the life cycle of a team were thoroughly explored and discussed.

On the final day, Fr. Joseph Kandachamkunnel, the Regional Superior, celebrated the Holy Mass. In his homily, he challenged the brothers to remain faithful and vigilant to their vocation, emphasizing the importance of staying true to their calling.  He met with the brothers during the first session of the day’s program, engaged them in discussions on encouraging growth in the region. The brothers presented a work titled: “Accept Diversity without Exclusion: Forming to Interculturality in a Multicultural Community”.  The program ended with a gala night.

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