Lun, Jul

The second edition of the Saint Paul Bible Quiz Grand Finale was held on 23 July 2023 at the community of the Society of St. Paul, 31, Rotimi Williams Avenue, Bodija, Ibadan.

The event began with a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Father Peter Perunilathil SSP, Superior of the community, and concelebrated by Father Praveen Jose SSP, the Coordinator of Formation and Novice Master of the Society of St. Paul, Nigeria-Ghana Region, and Father Gerard Tanko SSP, the Regional councilor and secretary. Enumerating the characteristics of the Kingdom using the parables given in the Gospel, Father Peter, in his homily, expounded the readings calling the people to create fertile grounds of humility and faithfulness for the Kingdom to grow within them to impact society.

Registration of Participants began after the Mass at the entrance to the hall. Each parish making up the Northern Deanery had three participants. An elimination round was conducted through a written test and those in the first five positions qualified for the Final Round. The final phase of the competition was oral. During this phase, the game show hosts entertained the audience and allowed them to answer some questions, and they won many gifts.

Brother Sixtus Onuoha SSP and Brother Samuel Adinnu SSP were the quiz masters for the Final Round. It comprised Passing Round, Deal or no Deal, Give and Take, Combo Offer, and Fifty Fifty. Three parishes emerged in first, second and third positions, respectively.  

There was the presence of the Chief Guest, Fr. Joseph Kandachamkunnel SSP, Regional Superior of the Society of St. Paul Nigeria-Ghana Region. In his remark, he appreciated the organizing team. He encouraged the participants of the thirteen parishes to keep up the spirit of studying and exemplifying the Holy Scripture in their lives. He also advised them to share their beautiful experience with their families and friends. The organizing team appreciated all the sponsors' contributions and support in making the event a reality.

Fr. Peter, the Superior of the community, gave the vote of thanks and ended the eventful program with a closing prayer and the final blessing.