Mon, Jul

This is the Advent season that we are used to living with these three movements: to commemorate the first coming of our Savior at Christmas; to prepare for his second and final coming at the Last Judgment; and to meet him in his intermediate coming in the Word and in the Eucharist and in the different events and circumstances of our life.

But is it also possible that we have not really “seen” nor “experienced” the first coming of Jesus while celebrating it every year? So, if we have not welcomed the first coming of Jesus, how is it possible to celebrate his intermediate coming in preparation for his second and final coming? Let us ask ourselves: has our last Christmas brought about some qualitative changes in our lives that have improved the tenor of our life? Do we realize our vocation to be communicator apostles as protagonists of the culture of encounter with others, both personal and in the net, particularly listening to the real needs of our interlocutors? For our common home, are we giving our small contribution not to pollute the environment with our throwaway mentality, not to waste our water and energy resources in our homes and communities? Being happy with little and not with the superfluous? Or have we become voracious consumers of objects and even fake news or half-truths?

«Maranathà!» «Come, Lord Jesus!»: it makes more sense for us as we prepare for the Lord’s first coming into our lives if, starting from the most intimate part of our being, we desire it as if the Lord had not yet arrived. May he come into our mind, asking Jesus-Truth to illuminate and purify that part which is not in God’s plan. «The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world» (Jn 1: 9). However, when the light finally came, «people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil» (Jn 3:19). May our mind be humble and open to the novelty that Emmanuel offers us.

Let us implore Jesus-Life to sanctify our heart, our desires, our sentiments, as he had promised long ago through his prophet: «I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you, taking from your bodies your stony hearts and giving you natural hearts» (Ez 36:26). May our heart be emptied of our ego so that the Child Jesus become its center.

We ask Jesus-Way the same good will that He manifested in his relationship with the Father: «I cannot do anything on my own… because I do not seek my own will but the will of the one who sent me» (Jn 5:30). May our will no longer be ours, but that of Jesus entirely.

As Mary has guarded and meditated in her heart the mysteries of God that unfolded before her own eyes, we too, with our Mother Mary and St. Joseph, may walk in the light and grace of the Lord as we continue our immediate preparation for Christmas. May the Child Jesus, in the manger of our heart, speak softly to us: «Blessed are you who listen to my word and put it into practice».

As had been prophesied a long time ago, we too want to be a part of that «people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone For a child is born to us, a son is given us; upon his shoulder dominion rests. They name him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace» (Is 9:1.5).

To one and all my best wishes of peace and mercy from the Child Jesus!

Agenda Paolina

July 01, 2024

Feria (verde)
Am 2,6-10.13-16; Sal 49; Mt 8,18-22

July 01, 2024

* FSP: 1979 a Bacolod (Filippine) • PD: 2000 Casa Sacerdotale a Chennai (India).

July 01, 2024SSP: D. Alessio Barbero (2006) - D. Miguel Vido (2006) • FSP: Sr. Rosina Sega (2008) - Sr. Assunta Maria Lopez (2011) - Sr. M. Vincenzina Guion (2011) • PD: Sr. M. Luigina Della Penna (1998) • SJBP: Sr. Francesca Scanu (2013) - Sr. Carmen Di Maio (2023) • IGS: Servo di Dio mons. Francesco Fasola (1988) • ISF: Mary Elisabeth Smeyres (2022).