Mon, Jun

Seventeen young Paulines, in the prime of their years, coming from nine Circumscriptions represented by eighteen Countries spread across five continents who live all under one roof, the Casa Don Alberione of Albano Laziale, a charismatic house for its foundation and for its history; all united together in study, prayer and apostolate, in fraternity and communion in view of the Pauline mission.

Speaking, therefore, of history, has a «new history» begun with the start of the Course in preparation for perpetual profession in an international level? Not exactly. There was, in our Congregation, the «International College» of Rome, when our clerics from around the world studied theology and in which many of our disciples attended other courses in preparation for their apostolic future. Today, after almost half a century, we have retaken the historical idea of the «International College», despite the diversity of the times.

The Course, in fact, embodies a history in continuity with the past, as the same three-month program specifies: «To remember the past with gratitude», in order to «live the present with passion» and in order to be able to «embrace the future with hope». This is, in reality, our Pauline history, always «straining forward", always in «continuous conversion». It will be so for our seventeen Juniors, all together in order to be «formed and transformed», to become religious and apostles-evangelists as «to do everything for the Gospel», announcing it to the men and women of today, in the world of communication, using the most effective modern means in the present culture of communication.

This initiative is historic also for this General Government, guided by Fr. Valdir José De Castro, our Superior General, that within the first year of its mandate, it has implemented the operative guideline 3.1.2 of the X General Chapter, asking: «The general Government study the opportunity to promote in Italy an international program of preparation for perpetual profession, coordinated by the SIF».

The Course also forms part of the history of the «marvellous Pauline Family». In it, in fact, the entire Pauline Family is involved, represented by each Congregation, by every Institute, each in its uniqueness: teachers, living witnesses, and many brothers and sisters who accompany our young in many varied ways. We are a family, the true DNA that flows in our veins. All are united and enriched by a single spirituality centered on Jesus Master Way, Truth and Life, under the loving gaze of Mary Queen of Apostles and moulded by the same zeal that was of the Apostle Paul and which Blessed James Alberione and Blessed Timothy Giaccardo have embodied in our time!

In this Course, there is also the interplay of globalization, internationality, catholicity, universality and integrality of our Pauline reality in the formation of the person which is in view of the mission. They are concepts familiar to us Paulines. This truth becomes even more profound that, as regards the origins of our Juniors, our parish is truly the whole world, with its way of communicating today: in the digital world and with social media.

The url prefix «www» applies very well to us Paulines. «www.ssp.net», that is, «worldwideweb.societyofsaintpaul.net», tells us that universality and harmony, diversity and unity go together. This is the spirit of the Apostle Paul living today: «For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit». There are no more different nationalities among our own Juniors, but only a harmonious colour which is that of a rainbow. They are no longer strangers to each other, but all are friends, brothers and co-workers for the same Gospel. This is further confirmed because our young people belong to the five continents: to «the troubled Europe», to «the two Americas», to the «immense Asia» and to the «great Africa». In conceiving the Course, we tried to think universally, since it is designed for the young in all our Circumscriptions. And we have localized it in Italy, the Mother-Circumscription of the entire Congregation. It is exactly how our charismatic history has developed: from Italy to the whole world. Today, however, the movement has been reversed: from the whole world to Italy. The pendulum has swung to the opposite direction, it is true, but it is the same pendulum!

In this Course we will strive to pursue an integrated approach, helping each Junior to discover among themselves fraternity, communion, synergy and cooperation, universal attitudes that will foster their missionary life. We will also try to promote the classical Pauline approach, that of a «running car mounted on four wheels: sanctity, study, apostolate, poverty».  Each Junior, a «living car», «in Jesus Christ, for a total love for God: intelligence, will, heart, physical strength. Everything: nature, grace, vocation, for the apostolate», despite the background of each one totally unique and different.

We pray for the success of the Course. That the program for these our Juniors be always a journeying together, a setting forward, in continuous conversion that they may be transformed into authentic Paulines, now and in the future, so that, in joy and with much hope, they could do everything for the Gospel.

Agenda Paolina

June 03, 2024

Memoria dei Ss. Carlo Lwanga e compagni, martiri (bianco)
2Pt 1,2-7; Sal 90; Mc 12,1-12

June 03, 2024

* PD: 1947 arrivo in Portogallo - 1981 ad Albano Laziale (Italia) - 2001 Casa PR a Tokyo (Giappone).

June 03, 2024SSP: Fr. Eusebio Navarro (2012) - D. Sebastian Karamvelil (2012) - D. Ignazio Cau (2023) • FSP: Sr. Valeria Onesi (1944) - Sr. Alfonsina Coraglia (1986) - Sr. M. Leonia Molteni (2008) - Sr. M. Rosalba Barbieri (2009) - Sr. M. Adeodata Noguchi (2011) • PD: Sr. M. Celina Sena (2016) • IMSA: Luciana Sonnu (2023) • ISF: Giuseppe Marzella (2017) - Raymond Brasseaux (2017).