Mon, Jun

The ministry connected with the office of the Secretary General offers many opportunities. One of these is the possibility to look into our charismatic history from a very particular point of view, that of the individual biographies of all the confreres who have joined Blessed Alberione in heaven. With the death of Brother Giovanni Pio Rizzo, last 29 August, we have reached the number of 580 brothers who, after a life spent to proclaim the Gospel, have gained the eternal life.

With the objective of updating the section “In the house of the Father” of the online Personal Status and to put a face – that is, a photo – and, where possible, the principal dates – first profession, perpetual profession, priesthood – of the many brothers who have preceded us in the Pauline mission, I had the opportunity to read for myself the obituaries dating much earlier that, despite their extreme conciseness, tell the great sacrifices of founding our Congregation in many cities and continents, marked by hunger, poverty, extreme hygienic conditions and, sometimes, refusals of bishops. But, at the same time, they bear witness to the great enthusiasm and deep faith that accompanied the early days.

It was emotionally touching to read in between the lines the inner strength that has sustained Fr. Trosso and Fr. Boano, our first missionaries sent in August of 1931 by Alberione in South America, sustained by his promise and his blessing: «You are going to spread the Divine Word with the press: give it the heart that Jesus Master had in preaching; with the ardour that animated St. Paul in spreading it; with the grace and humility with which the Holy Virgin Mary became the Mother of the Incarnate Word».

So many successful works, but also many failures and humiliations. But always straining ahead, with well-defined rules and principles, which the Founder wrote in his first letter to Fr. Trosso and Fr. Boano in Brazil, and which can be a guide for us today: «Do not do commerce but spiritual business, not money but eternal treasures»; «Consider yourselves dependent on and alongside with the bishops and clergy in the care of souls, and collaborate with them in humility»; «Let your editions be the most pastoral, those which Saint Paul would have done, if he were alive now»; «It is good to trust in the Lord: it will never disappoint! But it has to be based on a most sincere humility and distrust of our own selves».

May the same faith that has sustained our fathers help us in this time of momentous transition.

Agenda Paolina

June 03, 2024

Memoria dei Ss. Carlo Lwanga e compagni, martiri (bianco)
2Pt 1,2-7; Sal 90; Mc 12,1-12

June 03, 2024

* PD: 1947 arrivo in Portogallo - 1981 ad Albano Laziale (Italia) - 2001 Casa PR a Tokyo (Giappone).

June 03, 2024SSP: Fr. Eusebio Navarro (2012) - D. Sebastian Karamvelil (2012) - D. Ignazio Cau (2023) • FSP: Sr. Valeria Onesi (1944) - Sr. Alfonsina Coraglia (1986) - Sr. M. Leonia Molteni (2008) - Sr. M. Rosalba Barbieri (2009) - Sr. M. Adeodata Noguchi (2011) • PD: Sr. M. Celina Sena (2016) • IMSA: Luciana Sonnu (2023) • ISF: Giuseppe Marzella (2017) - Raymond Brasseaux (2017).