Fri, Jul

Ariccia Papa

A gift for the Centennial Year of the Pauline Family!

Sunday, 9 March at 5pm, Pope Francis and 84 collaborators of the Roman Curia reached "Casa Divin Maestro" in Ariccia for their annual Spiritual Exercises which this year, and for the time, will be held out the Vatican City State. The Superior General Fr. Silvio Sassi and the local community have welcomed the Holy Father with lively emotion.

The preacher, Fr Angelo De Donatis, parish priest of the Diocese of Rome, will develop the theme: "Purification of the heart".

The Spiritual Exercises started yesterday at 6pm and will finish next Friday with the departure at 10.30am. Program of the day includes the Eucharistic concelebration at each day at 7.30am, two mediations at 9.30am and at 4pm, and Eucharistic adoration with vespers at 6pm.

We unite ourselves to the request of the Holy Father addressed to the faithful gathered at St Peter's Plazza for the Sunday angelus: I ask you to please remember in your prayer, me and the collaborators of the Roman Curia, who tonight start a week of Spiritual Exercises. Thank you."


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Agenda Paolina

July 19, 2024

Feria (verde)
Is 38,1-6.21-22.7-8; Cant. Is 38,10-12.16; Mt 12,1-8

July 19, 2024

* Nessun evento particolare.

July 19, 2024SSP: Fr. Pedro Dolzani (2020) • FSP: Sr. M. Ester Ercolino (2003) - Sr. Pierpaola Maria Mariotto (2010) - Sr. M. Concordia Sanchez (2015) - Sr. M. Federica Baronchelli (2020) - Sr. M. Paola Soru (2022) - Sr. Juana Antonia González Maya (2022) • PD: Sr. M. Agnese Giuglardi (1981) - Sr. M. Fabiana Lucido (2000) • SJBP: Sr. Immacolata Ascedu (1994) • IMSA: Pierina Corsagni (2003) • ISF: Giuseppe Dessì (2013).