Ven, Juil


[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.

[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.

Holy Family first profession 2013 PhilippinesMakati — Nine new members are added to the growing family of Institute of Holy Family in the Philippines-Macau as they, in the presence of the SSP Provincial Superior Fr. Jose Aripio, SSP and of their kin, professed the vows of the evangelical counsel proper to their state in a Eucharistic Celebration on June 23, 2013. They are Amelia T. Batoctoy, ISF, Ester E. Dazon, ISF, Ma. Josefina S. Quiambao, ISF, the couple Antonia and Quirino Ramos, ISF, Emilia C. Recometa, ISF, Nerie C. Serrano, ISF, Marilyn L. Tio, ISF, and Solomon D. Villaplaza, ISF.

“Exchanging Gifts,” is what IHF Formator Fr. Dominador Guzman, Jr., SSP highlighted in his homily. This act of offering of one’s life is their gift to the Church, and on the other hand, the Church through the Society of Saint Paul accompanies these committed married couples, through grace, suffrages and formation, towards the perfection of Christian Life. He also took note of the growing number of applicants in the various parts of the country like Cebu, Davao and Bohol.

Before the Mass, three (3) first year novices and three (3) second year novices were received by the Provincial Superior to their specific stage of formation. And after the first profession of vows within the Holy Mass, the temporary professed members (9) also renewed their vows.

An audio-visual presentation (AVP), a tribute to the neo-professed and a formal dinner capped the celebration.

FOTOS - SPAudio-Visuals



Agenda Paolina

5 juillet 2024

Feria (verde)
S. Antonio Maria Zaccaria, sacerdote
Am 8,4-6.9-12; Sal 118; Mt 9,9-13

5 juillet 2024

* SSP: 1948 in Vaticano - 1997 a Mérida (Messico).

5 juillet 2024SSP: D. Domenico Valente (1988) - D. Roberto Mozzachiodi (2002) - Fr. Massimo Comarin (2016) • FSP: Sr. M. Elisa Rios (1990) - Sr. M. Giovanna Morbini (2008) - Sr. Angela Magri (2010) - Sr. Elisabetta Franco (2018) • PD: Sr. M. Paula Anselmo (2000) - Sr. M. Adelaide Messina (2013) • IGS: D. Mario Fogagnolo (1988) • IMSA: Epifania Lo Nigro (2008) • ISF: Ada Barria (2007) - Luigi Tisbi (2009).