Sáb., Jul.

At the chapel of the Society of St Paul in Canfield Ohio, Paul Brenner on the feast of the Transfiguration made his perpetual profession as a Gabrielite. Paul has a M.A. in criminal justice from Youngstown State University, has assisted in the Society’s production of T.V. Mass for shut-ins, and is deeply involved in his home parish, especially the maintenance of its website. The Mass was presided over by Fr. Jeffrey Mickler, head of the Institute in the United States, together with Fr. Tony Bautista Provincial of the USA and Fr. James Korda, president of the CTNY (Catholic Television Network of Youngstown). Fr. Matthew Roehrig, superior of the community, took care of the animation of the celebration. They were present besides Paul's parents, members of the Society of St Paul and friends. A lunch in the community ended the morning in fraternity.

Agenda Paulina

06 julho 2024

Feria (verde)
S. Maria Goretti, vergine e martire
Am 9,11-15; Sal 84; Mt 9,14-17

06 julho 2024

* SSP: 1959 Casa Divin Maestro ad Ariccia (Italia).

06 julho 2024SSP: Fr. Giacomo Valdameri (1991) • FSP: Sr. M. Amalia Ortega (1968) - Sr. Vitaliana Lot (1997) - Sr. Teresa Maria Bernardini (2010) - Sr. Immacolata Delmonte (2012) - Sr. M. Pacis Nagahashi (2014) - Sr. Margarita Fracaroli (2015) • PD: Sr. M. Agnese Inga (2006) • ISF: Donata Luperto (1993).