Fri, Jul

The members live the spirituality of the Pauline Family solidly grounded on the Eucharist and the Word of God and cultivate a particular devotion to the person of Jesus Master Way, Truth and Life, to Mary Queen of Apostles and to Saint Paul the Apostle.

They dedicate themselves in the work of evangelization as secular clergy (for Jesus Priest) or as lay persons. The lay members, living their consecration incognito in the world, act like "salt", "light" and "leaven" in their home, parish, place of work and other places they find themselves in. They also participate, according to their possibilities, in the other apostolic activities of the other Institutions of the Pauline Family.

They are encouraged to be part of the evangelizing activities of the Society of St. Paul and to be leaven in the culture of communication of today.



Agenda Paolina

July 19, 2024

Feria (verde)
Is 38,1-6.21-22.7-8; Cant. Is 38,10-12.16; Mt 12,1-8

July 19, 2024

* Nessun evento particolare.

July 19, 2024SSP: Fr. Pedro Dolzani (2020) • FSP: Sr. M. Ester Ercolino (2003) - Sr. Pierpaola Maria Mariotto (2010) - Sr. M. Concordia Sanchez (2015) - Sr. M. Federica Baronchelli (2020) - Sr. M. Paola Soru (2022) - Sr. Juana Antonia González Maya (2022) • PD: Sr. M. Agnese Giuglardi (1981) - Sr. M. Fabiana Lucido (2000) • SJBP: Sr. Immacolata Ascedu (1994) • IMSA: Pierina Corsagni (2003) • ISF: Giuseppe Dessì (2013).


July 19, 2024

Bisogna vigilare quando si sente a dir male, perché il più grave male che si porta alla Congregazione è cominciare a seminare la discordia, il sospetto contro l’uno o contro l’altro, tanto più poi che soventissimo questo dipende da egoismo, da amor proprio (APD56, 463).

July 19, 2024

Hay que estar atentos cuando se oye hablar mal, porque el mal más grave que se aporta a la Congregación es empezar a sembrar discordia, sospechas contra uno u otro, sobre todo porque muchísimas veces esto depende del egoísmo, del amor propio (APD56, 463).

July 19, 2024

One needs to be vigilant when feeling to say something bad, because the most serious evil that one brings to the Congregation is to begin to sow discord, suspicion against one or the other, especially since very often this depends on selfishness, on self-love (APD56, 463).