Mon, Jul

In the morning we had the presentation of Fr. Angelo de Simone, Spiritual Assistant of the Institute “St Gabriel, the Archangel “ of the same  Province on  the theme: “ The Laity in the Church and in the Pauline Family.”  This was followed by group meetings.

In the afternoon we werejoinedby Odo Nicoletti  who was the first Gabrielite the Founder met in 1955 and the husband and wife team Monina and Angelo Learco, national representatives of the Holy Family Institute.   Later, Fr Spagnolo gave an address on the theme:  “The Role of the Consecrated Woman in the World.”  This was marked by extensive and relevant documentation taken from Church  Magisterium and from the teaching of the Founder.  Later those responsible for group consultations presented their results.

We concluded our day in the Chapel, placing ourselves in the arms of the crucified Savior who has undoubtedly  been our major support all during the day.

“The Lamb who was immolated and worthy of power, riches, wisdom and strength, honor gloryand benediction (Ap 5 12)

Fr Angelo De Simone
"Casa Divin Maestro” (Ariccia), 14 September 2009


International Meeting of Delegates VSC (2009)