Sáb., Jul.

Second, whenever Paul could not be present, he would send his emissaries, especially his co-workers, to mediate either within the churches or between the churches and Paul himself. Sometimes, Paul thought it wiser to keep his distance and send a co-worker (like Timothy and Titus) in his stead, as when his relationship with the Corinthians became seriously strained.

Third, Paul kept in contact through letters carried by intermediaries. They were intended to be read aloud and served as an extension of Paul’s preaching and teaching.

Lastly, contact was kept by gift-giving and receiving and by prayers and acts of remembrance. Sometimes, the gift was financial, as when Paul received support from the Philippians. At other times, the gift was spiritual, as when Paul and his converts prayed for one another. When Paul received news of his converts’ perseverance in faith, hope, and love, he was filled with joy and thanksgiving to God.