Mer, Juil

For composing, one needed a writing implement (pen), ink, and material to write on (papyrus). Given what was involved in preparing the equipment, careful preparation was needed in the composition and actual writing of the letter. Very often the writer relied heavily on secretaries who were skilled in all parts of the writing process, except the making of the paper.

How were the letters sent? There was no regular postal service before the time of Augustus, and even this service was used only for official business. Private persons had to make their own arrangements: contact a regular courier or entrust the letter to some people on the move. Very often the carrier was commended to the recipients in some way.

The letter was received and read by the recipient or, if the letter was for a congregation, by the officers of the organized body. The oral reading and additional oral messages from the carrier publicized and confirmed the message and also transmitted the sender’s authority or influence on the recipient.