Seg., Jul.

This turning to the living and true God brought metanoia, a change of mind or outlook in life. The gospel brought within them radical freedom (eleutheria), Paul’s favorite word for salvation (soteria). Freedom works in three main ways. First, it brings independence. The Gospel freed them from certain things, e.g., sin, death, alien powers. Secondly, they were freed for certain things, e. g., to work for righteousness, and for conformity in Christ. This results in a personal and life-giving experience of liberty.

Freedom involves not just independence but dependence. This time, they put their trust in Christ, who terminated mankind’s enslavement through his death and resurrection. They also depend upon the Holy Spirit who communicates to them Christ’s life and purpose.

Lastly, freedom leads to interdependence. It leads them to mutual service in love. It also draws them closer to the world since the universe itself will experience the liberty of transformation with them. his name, for our good, and for the good of all his Church.